Open an ASE
With experience opening, hiring and managing more than 8 previous schools, let us handle your opening operations!
Experience ​
we bring a wealth of experience and professional connections throughout Asia, America and Europe.
Teacher Hiring
immediate hiring support for domestic and American educators.
development of marketing materials to make your school stand out.
ASE Curriculum Map
implement a curriculum plan utilized by successful schools on day one.
American Programs​
we are always building out new American curriculum partners to match with evolving student interests.
Experienced Administration
assist your school with confidence utilizing ASE experienced administrator​
Legal Support
customizable legal contracts and staff policies.
consultation to understand cultural differences and norms between staff, administration and students to ensure strong collaboration.
Our experienced team of consultants can help implement a STEM and liberal arts curriculum that fits the needs of your students and staff!
Join the
ASE District ​
join a growing number of STEM schools and participate in a biannual summit with exclusive student competitions, teacher training and ownership meetings
Teacher Training
have the immediate support of licensed teachers and administration to support your staff with curriculum implementation.
development of marketing materials for all levels of need,
ASE Certification
through partnership on a five year plan, schools will be able to offer their students a specialized STEM certification by graduation.
American Programs​
pair student interests with access to a growing number of American STEM, liberal arts and language programs.
we get to know your needs to support your endeavors and make your school uniquely high performing.